Our retreats and workshops are holding spaces to get underneath the "silos" of our varied contexts to tap into the perennial stream of Love, Healing and Wholeness.
We believe that there is an underlying stream of Reality or Truth that can be tapped into through all arenas or contexts of life. The Journey can begin anywhere. Together, on this Journey of transformation, we can get "underneath" the "silos" of life to co-create healing and wholeness.
Inner-personally: Begin where you are right now. Each person has a unique warmth, beauty and passion that can open up to the Stream of Life.
Interpersonally: All transformation is relational. Our connections hold tremendous potential for our growth.
Systemically: Communities of all kinds: NGOs, businesses, churches, clubs, service organizations, educational institutions etc. all can be paths to our collective evolution.
Environmentally: Nature provides each and all with a gateway to transformation.
Our perspective is aligned with the perennial tradition which encompasses the recurring themes in all of the world’s religions and philosophies that continue to say:
There is a Divine Reality underneath and inherent in the world of things.
There is in the human soul a natural capacity for, similarity to, and longing for this Divine Reality.
The final goal of existence is union with this Divine Reality.