The 3rd movement on the Journey: Encountering the Sacred
Opening to the Mystery at the Heart of the Matter
. . . ”Yes. But wait awhile.
I am still in some temporal
confusion that will be
solved by companionship with you.
Through companionship
with the ground a grapevine grows.
It opens into the earth’s darkness and flies.
It becomes selfless in the presence
of its origin and learns what it really is.
They nod, as though to say,
Whenever you are ready.
That nodding was a flame in my heart.
I was freed from hourly time,
from sequence and relation."
A Year with Rumi, Coleman Barks
SilenceHere, words become few. Words and the ideas and beliefs they hold cannot encompass the Mystery of Being. We can trust this. The ego gets what it wants with words. The deeper Self finds what it needs in silence.
"As my prayer becomes more attentive and inward, I had less and less to say. I finally became completely silent. I started to listen – which is even further removed from speaking. I first thought that praying entailed speaking. I then learned that praying is hearing, not merely being silent. This is how it is. To pray does not mean to listen to one's self speaking, prayer involves becoming silent, and being silent, and waiting until God is heard." –Søren Kierkegaard |
SpaciousnessThere is room here for everyone and everything. There are many paths to the sacred encounter, perhaps as many as there are people on the Journey. Many words point to that which is beyond comprehension. Some use the word Divinity or God. Words like Sacred, Love, The Universe, Interbeing, Reality can be used to point to the same ineffable Truth.
There is also a spaciousness of time when one encounters the Sacred. It is time that seems to stand still yet holds a shimmering potential for transformation. It is time pregnant with opportunity for growth. Here, at this place on the path, here is a "knowing" beyond words that you are "home." |